NOVL has revealed the first chapter of INDIVISIBLE, along with a personal letter from Daniel Aleman
Check out INDIVISIBLE on this list of Young Adult LGBTQ+ Books that Buzzfeed is recommending this spring!
Booklist said: “Aleman’s writing is stellar, clear and emotional, realistic and suspenseful. The story is complex and heart-wrenching, yet full of hope and familial love, making this an excellent choice even for younger YA readers.”

'Indivisible' Is A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection
Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selections are hand-picked by experts in children's and YA literature.

'Indivisible' was featured in Refinery29's list of 10 Books by Latinx Authors We Can't Wait To Read In 2021!
Forbes Magazine has featured 'Indivisible' on their list of 5 YA Books To Watch In 2021.
There are several copies of INDIVISIBLE up for grabs for early reviewers, courtesy of the team at NOVL!
'Indivisible' was featured on Buzzfeed's "2021 YA Books We're Looking Forward To Getting Our Hands On."

Daniel Aleman will participate in a conversation on the power of young adult fiction, as part of the #LBYRExtraCredit series. This event will air live on Saturday, November 21 at 1pm EST. Register now and join the conversation!
Daniel Aleman will participate on a 2021 Debuts Panel at the Latinx Kidlit Book Festival, which will take place December 4-5, 2020.
Exclusive Cover Reveal of Indivisible by Daniel Aleman on Frolic Media, including notes from the author.
Daniel Aleman will be speaking at the Young Adult Library Services Association's 2020 Symposium, on a panel titled "Our Voices, Our Protest: Migrant Stories in Latinx Young Adult Literature"
Register for the Symposium Now!